Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Just Fed Up

Today is just like any other day. I am so feed up it don't make sense to me. Life has really been hard on me but not as hard as it has been lately. Sometimes I just wanna throw my hands up and say forget it. Forget going to school, forget trying to better myself and my kids lives. I have to go through to much. I recently found out that I might not be able to go to summer school like I want to. I have the moneyfrom financial aid but I don't have enough credits to go. I might even have to sit out for a semester which is not what I want to do. I want to stay with it. Because I know how I will get. I will sit out for a semester and then when it is time to go back I won't. Because I will have gotten comfortable sitting at home. And I dont want that. It feels like everytime I take a giant leap forward something is always pulling me back saying you can't do it. But I am determined to prove it and everyone else wrong about me. Even if I have to switch schools and finish there that is what I will do. I am feed up with myself for always wanting to throw in the towel when things get to complicated for me. I have to stop doing that to myself and tell myself that you can and will complete your eucation to becoming the teacher thatyou want to be.

1 comment:

  1. Everyrone starts to feel like this sometimes. I know I have. But I must say that I believe that you will be successful. Just keep your head up and walk through
